A Multi-Layered Lifestyle Brand that Promotes the Enduring Comfort, Relaxation, & Wellness of your Total Being

In The Beginning

There was a young lady... about 17 years old... who modeled and hoped someday to be a fashion designer and illustrator. A couple of years later she started caring for her body with natural ingredients that she made from scratch. In the late 70's, few people created these types of organic skincare products, let alone wrote national magazine articles about it.

Extraordinary enthusiasm

Ten years later, now a woman embarking on her quest, the curious explorer totally immersed herself in ayurvedic studies. Self-cultivated eastern practices incorporating a myriad of meditation styles, healing exercises, pranayama breathing techniques, martial art modalities, and veganism became her way of life.

For a long time, it had been an advocation for her along with her passionate pursuits of the arts, culture, music, dance, cooking, fitness, and travel. Now, some years later, that same enthusiastic woman is at it again with Passionary - a modern, eco-luxe line of sustainable, natural and clean products for the total being.

Dianne C Harrison has a vision and the talent for capturing our collective stories through products that echo our individual yet common experiences; offerings that are a sensory shorthand for a profoundly, otherworldly grace for living. Passionary presents a course of actions that brings all of her passions together in extraordinary ways.

There is extraordinary enthusiasm at Passionary!

My Story Now

I'm in love with the phenomena of wonderment, creativity and exploration...be it fine arts, theater, writing, fashion, music, dance, culinary art...just creating... expressing oneself, that defines oneself. It's a pendulum swing between surrealism and realism. A cross into the sublime from serendipity.

I've always been curious to know from where my creativity emanates - knowing how I fire it up. From my special place that only I am able to access from intimately knowing myself, I knew I need to

be still... be reflective... be into me and let my inner voice speak. And it did. In difficult times and in good times. In times of sorrow and in times of elation.

I've learned whatever the oh-so-precious times are, require that I abandon fears that I've held onto way too long and that I nurture my mind, body, spirit, and soul in ways that give full expression and meaning to my life.

I haven't always lived by this philosophy. There was a time in my life where my sons and I had to overcome unspeakable adversities. Thinking something must change, I set about creating a healing sanctuary for us out of sparse possessions and familiar things I could make from common objects around my kitchen.

Determined I wasn't going to let a series of tragedies unhinge us, I began paying attention to my inner voice. "Be still," it whispered. I wanted to hear more. So, in my quiet times, I lit candles, took long baths, sipped tea, and journaled on comfortable pillows I made. Revelations and epiphanies abounded.

I developed a keen awareness coming out of those difficult experiences. Learning from trial and error, pushing through it, and living in it, the one thing I realized is that I am way stronger than I ever thought; and as I continually work past my fears, I know I am defined more by my inner strength than my outer circumstances. More importantly, I found that it's never too late to pursue one's passion and never too late to show up in extraordinary ways...

...and show up in extraordinary ways I did: as a passion advocate, truth seeker, social entrepreneur, bathing culture influencer, and WEC activist, I accumulated a wisdom that spoke truth to passion.

Herein lies the genesis of Passionary... my clarion call... a journey that grows as I grow; a journey that takes me to deeper meaning and greater heights between the earth and sky; a journey that continues to intensify as I live what I believe to be my purpose in life.

There is extraordinary passion at Passionary!

Her Way of Living

Extraordinary love

Self-Love is her Mission

Simply, if the "Self" is taken care of, then the Self in us shares greater kindness with the Self in others.

Moments become more special.

Perspectives change. We make slight adjustments or monumental leaps.

We have meaningful conversations.

To improve, overcome, to be better, and do our absolute best.

There is extraordinary love at Passionary!

See her Vision

Whether or not we know it, we all need, even thrive off inspiration. No dreams get stolen here, only manifested. What matters is... how we're being in our light regardless of how bright or dim the light may be at the very moment of realization. Now see the life you want... good, better, best... and go for it!

There is extraordinary inspiration at Passionary!

Extraordinary inspiration

Extraordinary happiness and joy

Sunshine is her Goal

Visualize the life you want - every aspect of it. Passionary's goal, to the fullest extent, is simply to help our communities' goals come true through their paths of growth. We'll do our part by paving the way with plenty of good old TLC from our trove of goods and experiences.

There is extraordinary happiness and joy at Passionary!

Her Values

What I value most in life:

• Above all, To Thine Own Self Be True

• Family - given and acquired

• Perseverance over obstacles and adversities

• Kindness and caring

• Strong ethics - personal and work

• Strength of character and character of mind

• Respect of self and others

• Peace of mind and a generous heart

• Joy, laughter, and smiles

• ...and working it out!

There is extraordinary integrity at Passionary!

Extraordinary integrity

Extraordinary commitment

Her Standards for Passionary

I can tell you with a clear conscious, transparent records, and a loving heart, that everything Passionary produces is intentionally created in the most passionate environment. To bring you the best offering, the standards Passionary commits to are:

• Sourcing sustainable, fair trade & organic supplies and raw materials from minority groups, women-owned businesses, and boutique cooperatives whenrever possible

• Working with a diverse and inclusive population in a collaborative environment

• Promoting creative freedom

• Creating a no-judgement environment

• Maintaining the highest ethical & professional standards

• Respecting the contributions of all

• Providing the highest quality customer service

• Stewarding a healthy environmental ecosystem

There is extraordinary commitment at Passionary!

With highest regards and all sincerity, peace to humanity!

-Dianne C Harrison

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