A Multi-Layered Lifestyle Brand that Promotes the Enduring Comfort, Relaxation, & Wellness of your Total Being

...Conscientious Intentions + Conscientious Indulgence + Conscientious Well-being

Conscientious Intentions

Conscientious Intention starts with the resolve it takes to declare one's purpose to do what is best for one's inner humanity; the clarity to focus on those priorities; and the determination to see it through. It's our values plan of accountability to proceed in a manner that affects change in life.

Conscientious Indulgence

Conscientious Indulgence is giving one's self unapologetic permission to take care of one's personal ecosystem for the purpose of inner harmony and to take care of one's emotional ecosystem for fearless growth. Together both ecosystems create a path for finding passions.

Conscientious Well-Being

Conscientious Well-Being is the declaration to take care of one's inner and outer self with the utmost priority, care, and conviction for the present and future good of one's life and those dear to you. It falls in line with the adage, "put on your oxygen mask first, so then you can help others."

Ancient Genetic Messaging

With it comes the ancient genetic messaging and wisdom of the trees, mountains, grounds, winds, waterways, fruits, and flora. Think about it - botanicals, oils, and minerals are the descendants of nature's majestic civilizations--the lands of our consciousness; the potent soil of our inner world from which thoughts materialize. From the pure heart of Passionary, presented are sketches of endless possibilities in great body care products directly descendant from nature.

Apart from air, water, and sustenance; botanicals, oils, and minerals represent the composition of natural earth essential to a healthy existence. Because of the necessary exchange and inter-sharing of these components, we must be cognizant of how we live in concert with nature and how we use it to maintain a healthy body.

From our individual wellness

We believe in the WEC travel philosophy because our individual wellness is our best hope for our greater humanity.

Hmmm... check it out!

What's good for our individual wellness is great for the sustainability of the earth body. What's good for the sustainability of our planet is also good for our communities... and what's good for our collective communities is infinitely great for the whole of humanity.

Whether we're imprinting this philosophy in our minds, pouring it into the soul of the company and products, or applying it as our travel philosophy to explore the world, WEC is the lens that guides how we approach our wellness, how we treat the earth body, and how we interact with people and communities around the world. It's great for the whole of humanity.

To our collective communities

The power of imagination

Using the power of imagination to enter this red door spa may reveal clues to that which inspires us. No longer is a spa a fancy place we go to be treated with exclusive regard. Truthfully, only we can hold ourselves in the highest regard.

Accessible by nature, our minds, and our hearts with a little influence from Passionary's bathing culture rituals is all it takes to have a transcendent adventure of the spirit. We invite you to go spa-ing the Passionary way. Read on...

We can call journaling at the shoreline a natural sensory spa adventure of shore bathing. Sipping tea while resting on a hammock looking out into the night sky is moonlight bathing. Hiking in the mountains noticing sensory activities under a forest canopy is forest bathing. Reading Passionary's blog at a park while spraying Passionary scents around you is scent bathing. Protecting the body with Passionary's Body Serum encourages healing the total body while snow or ocean bathing. Least we not forget sound bathing with birds tweeting, waves crashing, crickets chirping, or wind chimes and singing bowls whirling. And certainly, restorative activities in the comfort of your own space using Passionary candles, pillows, incenses, and body products are a sensory SPA in a category of its own-sanctuary bathing.

Bathing culture influence

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