A Multi-Layered Lifestyle Brand that Promotes the Enduring Comfort, Relaxation, & Wellness of your Total Being

See the light illuminating a journey of passion with penetrating scents that invoke a mood and forge an outcome. Candles famously cleared paths for authenticity, truth, and transparency in ancient history and even now in modern times. Truth is, Passionary candles are all about entering into a vast, mythical gateway of luminosity provided by nature. Luminosity is an absolute measure of radiated electromagnetic power. At Passionary, we believe that the energy from our candles nourishes our being if we channel the light. Each Passionary candle is handcrafted with an exceptional understanding and expansive know-how of candle’s importance in life's rituals. These symbols of illumination are masterfully-mixed with B.O.M. scent lines; prepared with the finest vegan waxes and lead-free, organic cotton wicks; mixed and poured by hand into recycled and reusable vessels; and carefully packaged to preserve the integrity of the scents and impending stories.

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